• info@ethnikoscollection.com

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Ethnikos Products


Toy Collection



Doggieko the dog
(4" and 7")
Giraffieko the giraffe
(5",11" and 22");
“Froggieko the frog” (11"and 5") Ellieko" the elephant” (3"and 7");    
Octiko the Octopus
(5"and 11")
Sunnieko the sunflower
(4"and 12")
.Bunnieko the kente bunny OTHERS:    
Humptiko the Humty Dumpty (6"and 8")    
Dolls include:
Rassieko (4" and 15½" ); Jummieko (4" and 11").

Target age range: 1-10


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Women Owned .